Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Glimpse of the Blanding trip...

We made the trek back to Blanding for spring break. That drive gets old in a hurry but it's worth it to get there and see all of the kids, and even the dog, be so excited about getting there. We had a good visit, a week just seems to go too fast when you try to squeeze everything in. There was still snow on the ground but the weather was beautiful. We played in the snow and got sunburned, the boys got to help out in the shop and brush up on skills they've been learning, Breanna hung out with Great Grandma, we went to Mexican Hat to have a steak, all the things that we need to do when we go home. Had a wonderful visit and it was hard to come home.
Breanna making pies with Gramma Clemma. Best cherry pies I ever tasted :o)

Denim and the goggles and hat he wore to play in the very bright snow..

Throwing snow at Grandmas...

Snow "Angels" lol

Dylan getting ready to go down the sledding run.

DJ taking Gramma Pam for a ride.

Denim with Grandpa Clint in Mexican Hat. If you look at his face you can see where the goggles and hat did not cover, he got VERY sunburned.

Dylan demonstrating his welding skills. Both boys seem to be quite natural little welders, don't know where they would get that from...

Denim and the onion pie with a pickle on top. (Inside joke) He talks about his Grandpa all the time.

Starting the dozer. Then the boys got to take turns driving it.

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