Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to school

Does anyone want to hear sad? Too bad, here it's been so long since I've been on this site that I had to look up the password. I promise I'll catch up and do better.
Today was the first day of school at the new school that the kids are going to. After much deliberation and discussion, we have moved the kids to a private Christian school here in town. They offer an advanced curriculum and small classes and I just like the feeling I get when we enter the building. The kids were very nervous but excited and the day seemed to go well for them. There is a uniform dress code at the school and I think the kids look good. They were scared about the uniforms until they tried them on and realized, as Dylan put it. "We look GOOD!" The first couple weeks are going to be a challenge but they are going to do well.
The twins are already 5th graders and Breanna is in 1st. We are going to put Denim into the early kinder program so I'll have time to catch up on such projects as.....the blog. I know that there are friends and family out there that like to know what the kids are up to. They're just up to so much that just keeping up with them is a challenge. Just know that we love all of you and I will be better about sharing. :o)


Gram Pam said...

Hi Family,
Good to see those handsome kids. I love the uniforms. Great Idea!! Demin in school too??? Wow! Much love , Gram Pam

Tammy said...

Yey for the first day of school. They do look great in their uniforms! Thanks for the updates.

Kevin and Misty said...

hey so excited to hear all about the new school!