Friday, March 4, 2011

Guess I'll try blogging again...

I have been terrible about blogging for quite awhile. Just simply keeping 4 little kids alive when it's just me and them home for weeks at a time seems to keep my busy enough. There have been some strange comments posted on my blog and I seriously considered going private for awhile but have decided to moderate comments instead to see if I can curb the blog hoppers that just leave strange stuff. Life in our house is never boring. The twins are 5th graders, Breanna is in 1st grade and Denim is in K4. All 4 of them are playing some form of baseball and it looks like the next couple of months are going to be insane. They are all very excited to play ball and I think they're all 4 pretty good at it. Cub Scouts is winding down and we're making the jump to Boy Scouts. I am excited because that means I get to just be a mom for a couple minutes while the bigger boys go out somewhat on their own. I'm sure I will still be involved with their troop but now they're in charge of their own destinies as far as advancement goes. I don't have to prepare a den meeting every week! (We'll see how long that lasts....) Denim has a little over a year until he gets to be a scout. Dan's been working a lot of extra days, but that is suppposed to be a thing of the past (again, we'll see how long that lasts...) So, I'm going to try to be better about blogging. I hope you enjoy the peek into our lives that this gives, and try to be understanding if I don't blog as often as I should. Life just keeps coming, whether I'm ready or not...

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